Information Sheets (ENGLISH)TeleControlNetEnd-to-End solution (ENGLISH)Smart City & Smart Environment (ENGLISH)The 10 Strengths of TeleControlNet (ENGLISH)Asset Management Handouts (ENGLISH)HandoutSmart Signaling Light (ENGLISH)HandoutMetering Product Datasheets (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC415 (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC401 (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC315 (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC302 (ENGLISH)DatasheetJAZZminV2 (ENGLISH)DatasheetJAZZminV1 (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC115 (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC102 (ENGLISH)DatasheetTC012 (ENGLISH)DatasheetSmart Signaling Light (ENGLISH)DatasheetIoT controller Product / User Manuals (DUTCH)User ManualJAZZminV2 (GERMAN)Installation ManualTC-OEM PS-MEGA Videos Company videos: The key to your process Youtube / Stream Managing Internet of Things with TeleContolNet Youtube / Stream LoRa rule based irrigation concept Youtube / Stream How to connect Youtube / Stream Customized presentations with TeleControlNet Youtube / Stream Product videos: TeleController TC401 Youtube / Stream TeleController TC302 Youtube / Stream TeleController JAZZmin Youtube / Stream TeleController TC012 Youtube / Stream Support videos: mUPS 12V battery replacement Stream mUPS 24V battery replacement Stream * How to download: Open the desired document and press "right click" followed by "save (link) as", varying by browser. Use the icon for videos. * Our default language for downloadable content is English, if any questions feel free to contact us.